Divine Travel Tips

Monday, February 27, 2012

Retreat: Write Creatively To Influence The Quantum Mind

Dearest Tourist and Travelers;

Brief overview of one of the most interesting and fun retreats I have ever guided.

The SPIRIT projects itself as the MIND and serves as the INSPIRATION that gives birth to thoughts into "being."

Fifty two beings gathered to practice and learn ways to influence, "intentionally", our cognitive neurobiology and the emotions, energy in motion at The Grand Del Mar Resort in San Diego, CA.

Finding ways to focus your thoughts can help change the realms of the mind and overall consciousness, at a cell level. That the energy we choose to live IN. The biochemestry of our bodies is driven by our thoughts. Each individual is the one who chooses the behavior of its electrons. So I offered a day to retreat and to focus on this process. We co-created a day of personal guided metamorphosis, individually and collectively, to learn how work with and influence the quantum mind. Just remember that each cell of our bodies has a mind of its own responding, "conversing" and inter-acting with exciting stimuli, but we can choose to influence this process.

We explored how meditation influences the "music" of our body vibrated and orchestrated by the cells of our bodies.

We learned how to align and affect groups of collective cells with the practice of visualization, creative writing and meditation.

Pre-Cognitive Energy:

Tell your story. Get to know "your world" the one you live IN that you may not be totally aware of. Yes, I am referring to beliefs. Why? Because your beliefs are per-cognitive energy that manifest as your life. Beliefs are like buildings, they are there and form the landscape of your "city" or place you choose to live IN. But sometimes we are not AWARE of them.

Betterment can not be more than what we allow it to be. Change your beliefs to more empowering, flowing and allowing ways to co-create your betterment.

Decide to start your own daily practice of creative writing. Take time to map out YOUR STORY. There is value in creative writing because you give birth to the roads, ways and worlds that you want to experience. That energy now has an outlet, a bridge between the world you live in now and the new possible worlds you are co-creating and this energy shifts at a cell level too.

It was a real joy to experience this process with all of you. I invite everyone to do this on your own and I hope our story and divine travel inspire you too.

Love and light friends!

Hicking at 6:00 a.m. on our way to a yoga, meditation by the ocean.

A raw food diet and nutritional information about foods that naturally detox our body.

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