Divine Travel Tips

Sunday, December 17, 2017


Dearest Tourist and Travelers:

You have asked me for a NEW MOON ritual and here it is. I am offering to you some ideas to focus thoughts and energy in alignment to the cycles of nature, especially the water element - the White Lady or our magical moon which brings us THE REBIRTH OR THE INTENTION OF NEW BEGINNINGS.

Just remember that to craft energy into being we must focus INTENTION and ATTENTION, what our heart is truly vibrating. I invite you to pause and think for a moment, how much you are consciously choosing what you are becoming?

It is very hard to create in an environment where the contrast of what you want to live IN is so strong, but the Universe gave you that task because you are a power-full creator, a match to your sincere heartfelt intentions. The Universe doesn't "make mistakes." :) Just remember that light is very attractive and light it is always going to be challenged, but it is the golden nugget of light for light to shine even more so now. :)

Energy works in cooperation and pulling forces in opposite directions are at times grounded in the same core intention. Example; freedom can be grounded in the desire to-live-in-freedom and a secondary pulling force in the desire to prove its weakness. What matters to a power-full creator is what you focus on you manifest. What do you want more of? In spite of what a creator chooses to focus on to manifest, there is a principle or Universal Low which is; Love lives IN freedom. 

What self-impose limitations are evoking the contrast of your heartfelt desires? Are your actions to-live-in-freedom grounded in fear (lack of love), or in Love? Any action grounded IN fear is not Love.  In spite of the contrast around you, give attention and Love to what you want to create and don't give power to distractions or the contrast around you. Focus energy and ground your intentions IN Love.  Give power to your intentions; remember that we expand what we focus on. :)

The new moon phase is an optimal time for planning, beginning new cycles and seeding our intentions or new beginnings. It is time to re-emerge into light. :)

... It is call GRACE and we earn every bit of it. All is well. Love is never IN danger. Love lives IN love. :)

New Moon (Water Element, Yin, Emotions)

1. If you have a strong belief in good energies like; angels, spirit guides, or saints, what you choose to believe in as a higher and good spiritual guidance in your life, know that they are energy that inspire, so call on them into this special intention and ceremony.

2. Take a few minutes to meditate to begin your spiritual practice, the new moon ritual. Listen to your inner guidance for messages... be silent and breathe deeply.

3. Bring your "creature" to the moon light and the ceremony. (If you don't have a "creature", please ask me for one.) 

Defining Intentions:

Time of beginnings, when you can recharge goals, gain clarity, 
dream your dreams or set new expectations.

State your intention for this New Moon, and ask for blessings, 
clarity and support.

There is power in coming up with visions for your life, and keeping them in your sights as 
they come into being.

Make sure you are not sending (contradiction of energy), meaning, I want this but I can believe that I can have it or I am afraid to have it, etc. Work on this.

Suggestion: Moonstone pyramid charged with intentional love. Ancient Egyptians used the pyramids to generate, transmit and transform energy, known to be a great thoughts amplifier.


Begin writing down your heart's desires... your dreams.... the events, experiences and circumstances that you would like to co-create in your life. Visualize them and co-create "mental pictures of your goals and dreams." Have FUN with it. Your list may consist of only one item or you may have several pages written down. Try not to limit yourself. If having many things in your life helps to fulfill you then don't deny yourself of wanting these things.

During the month when an item on your new moon list comes to you or materializes, don't merely cross it off of your list, take the time to rewrite the list. At the same time you may add whatever else that you have decided you would like. Feel free to reword any of the original phrases, words, action verbs, if they better fit your life now. It is natural that your desires will change as time advances.


A second notebook will be used as a scrapbook where you paste in pictures or catalog clippings of items that you want to co-create in physical reality. This is a fun project so enjoy yourself. Focus on these dreams and nurture them with your heart and soul. BELIEVE in your dreams. OFFER CONSISTENTLY a desire to welcome your dreams into your life. You will soon be amazed how these things begin to find their way into your life BECAUSE YOU WANT THEM AND ASK FOR THEM AND YOU REALLY REALLY CREATE THE SPACE IN YOUR HEART AND YOUR WORLD FORM THEM.


Each month at the new moon, rededicate your intentions by renewing your list at a repeated ritual. This is accomplished by rewriting your list out using a fresh sheet of paper. Don't get in the habit of simply scratching out the items you no longer desire and adding the new stuff to the bottom of your old list. You don't want clutter and sloppiness energies messing up your new stuff do you? Disregard any items that no longer feed your soul and add new things that do.


LIGHT FOUR CANDLES Choose small two-hour burn candles or tea-candles. Soy base candles are better for our health (lungs.)
Sometimes, when you are lighting up candles and setting intentions for the energy that you are co-creating with the candle, it is good to listen to instrumental music (good vibration) as it can play a major roll influencing the environment, our extended body, reaching into the depth of your soul. You need your feelings to be poured into that candle.  Invite your inner senses and connect to your heart.

Blue candle for Water element (West)
Green candle for Earth element (North)
Red candle for Fire element (East)

Yellow candle for Air element (South)

Place a container of clean water at a center of a table and the four candles around it. Write on a piece of paper your main goals. Fold the papers and place them inside the glass container with water (under the moon light if possible.)


Carry the intentions of your goals and what you have said to your spirit guides and your-self in your heart and thank them for their support. Focus. Thank all elements, Earth, fire, water and air for their balance and energy within and around us.

I always feel good having something sweet at the end of my new moon ritual, it reminds me of the sweetness of life.

Eat, Drink and Be Merry! New Beginnings are being co-created.

Send your questions to: dearestsource@mydivinetravels.com

Love and light!


You are the love
of your life.
The one you are
going to invest the
rest of your life with. :)

Monday, November 13, 2017

A New Relationship With Food: Nutritional Value and Happiness

Dearest friends;
Welcome back and I have a post today about one of my new and better habits for a better life, I have decided to teach myself how to view food for its nutritional value and to choose food and menus that give me good nutrition, no chemicals, no hormones or fertilizers in my body, fresh organic food and to eat every three hours but small portion of no denature foods, more organic vegetables and fruits.

Today we are covering Alkaline Cereals, organic and gluten free.

Organic Oats
It’s known as “the Queen of cereals” thanks to the high content in proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, trace elements, iron, nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Actions: Strengthens the Spleen, the organ that produces blood in the body, the nervous system and the reproductive organs. It is recommended to treat postpartum urinary and bowel obstruction and to treat Hepatitis. It is purifying, helps control blood sugar levels in the blood and improves digestion.

Organic Barley
Barley also has B vitamins, folic acid, choline and vitamin K. It is a good source of potassium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium, iodine and phosphorus.

Actions: It nourishes, relaxes and refreshes the liver and gallbladder. Cooling and bland. Promotes diuresis, clears heat (inflammation in the body), detoxifies, it is great to treat indigestion, diarrhea, tumors and it is the cereal with biggest amount of fiber (17%.)

Organic Millet
Considered a sacred and powerful therapeutic food for Traditional Chinese Medicine, millet is the only alkalizing cereal, besides being a great remineralizer. Clears heat and it is cooling. It’s gluten free. It is a natural source of phosphorus. Also contains fatty acids, iron, zinc, iodine and vitamin E.

Actions: Relieves diarrhea, promotes urination, anti-toxin, stops vomiting and acts as astringent to the stomach and intestines.

Organic Quinoa
Quinoa’s properties are mainly nutritional. It’s gluten free. Almost 20% of its dry weight corresponds to vegetable proteins of very good quality for the facility to be assimilated by the body. Warm and Sweet energy. Has twice the proteins than rice or barley. Good source of iron, manganese and magnesium. It has anti-inflammatory, anti viral, anti-cancer and anti-depressive effects.

Folk Remedy: Quinoa calms the spirit and strengthen the body.

Actions: Strengthens the entire body, tonifies the flow of Qi (life force energy), it is used to treat weakness, fatigue, cold hands and feet.

Learn to see food as a source of nutrition for the body, a source of energy and to eat certain foods depending on your constitutional archetype which is a reflection of energy balance in your body. All dis-ease is a manifestation of disharmony in the body and it is caused by the energy that we live in; our thoughts, self talk, emotions, the food that we use to nourish our body, the way that we cook and preserve the food that we eat and the environment we live in which it is our extended body; color, air, relationships, living beings around us and the flow of energy in our lives.

Love your body. Love your-self and eat healthy. :)

@DearestSource - Twitter

Friday, August 4, 2017

Kundalini Yoga Sequence To Release Anger

Anger is an emotion, energy in motion. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the emotion of anger is store by the Liver. Here is a yoga sequence and meditation that will help us focus thought and mindfully shift our focus away from anger. To make peace, mentally and in our hearts, with people, circumstances or events in our lives that could have evoke negative emotion. Let go of anger. Release, empty your liver using your mind to remove the energy of anger. Find relief and forgive.

Forgive to be happy. K:)

Monday, June 26, 2017

Cleansing Our Auric Energy Field

Replies To Postcards From Tourist and Travelers

Question: Katherine, could you explain an easy way to clean or detox our auric field?

The auric field is a projection of self, an inside out reflection of our WHOLE BLUEPRINT OF OUR ETHEREAL (COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS) BODY. Our aura is not a coat or detached "thing" that we wear "outside" of us existing in isolation. At the contrary, our aura is a reflection or "radiance from with-IN" the energy that we craft and choose to live IN. 

The auric field is a projection of self, therefore, something that exist from inside out, our whole body energy circuitry. The first way to raise the natural vibration of our energy field is by shifting and evolving our thoughts and emotions (energy in motion) to loving and self-loving intentions.

What do I mean by vibrational auric field? The vibration, a pulsating energy, (the number of oscillations per second), is measured in Hertz. The wave hertz transfers energy through where it passes, or blends with. Our thoughts are waves of energy and they do affect energy by blending with it. Essentially, everything that exist is of a vibrational nature (life pulsating energy.) Now you know why the "atmosphere" in a room will light up when a confident and positive person walks into a room. Higher vibrations have uplifting impact, especially on lower vibrations.

1. The first recommendation is to realize that we can raise the vibration of our auric field by shifting our focus toward higher realms of energy, meaning, work on our self-talk, appreciation of self and others. THE FORMED OPINION THAT WE HAVE OF SELF is manifested on our auric field or thought forms. Detox and de-clutter the mind of lower vibrations and open your heart to receive love. Think thoughts about yourself that give you value. :)

2. Cosmic waterfall cleanse: If you are more drawn to the water element, you might like to imagine powerfully cleansing water flowing through your energy field cascading down through your crown. Now, this isn't a cleansing because "you are not good", this is resource to complement the material covered on point 1, above.

3. Smudging with sage, like a sage smudge stick or burning any kind of incense. You can ask someone to help by walking around you and smudging through your entire aura. Additionally, the auric field is our first energetic contact with other people or the environment, our extended body. Our energy fields interact with those of other living beings and picks up on surrounding vibrations. Any imbalances within the "whole body of energy"; emotions, mind/thoughts, heart, spirit, life force or chi, willpower, conceptual self and so on... will show up in the auric field.

4. BioSpiritual Energy of Essential Oils: Here are some notes on the subject and I hope to elaborate more of this in the near future... :) 

There is a subtle bio-energy that flows through all organic life. It is know as Qi "Chi" or Life Force. This energy is expressed as an electromagnetic vibrational frequency – and pure essential oils register the most higher frequencies of any measured natural substance. 

Most living beings (including Spiritual Human Beings) use enzymes to break down molecular components during their life processes. And each of these enzymes has a unique crystalline form with a specific vibratory frequency. 

Showering (waterfall cascade) is a naturally aura cleansing, even more so by adding Epsom salt and using soaps withe essential oils. Therapeutic grade essential oils produce coherent frequencies that bring health and healing to our bodies. Synthetic oils do not! Here are the average frequencies of some of the therapeutic grade essential oils that have been measured:

Rose: 320 MHz, (among the Romans there was a tradition of using Rosa to treat 32 health conditions), Lavender: 118 MHz. NOTE: Human cells can start to change (mutate) when their frequency drops below 62MHz. A positive state of mind could influence our auric field 10 MHz+.

Special note:
I want to thank everyone for all your love and help during these past four months. I am doing great and it is so wonder-full to be back, doing what I love.  
May divine love and light be with us all-ways.

I love you, I do.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

The JOY List

Dear friends:What a beautiful day today is and how grateful we are for all it brings, which we co-create. Without it we couldn't be who we are and be evolving so much.

A day to celebrate and to focus on our whole-being; all levels of my spiritual human experience.

It is amazing how the sun has a way to be everywhere, everyday and for everyone... even in the basement of the house, no place too out of reach for the sun.

I think that I do too have an opportunity to create something of value that touches, gently, my life and the lives of others in a meaningful way. I can choose to be light.

Each day the sun shows up with the same smiling kind of energy... just to be and by being it gives, shares, illuminates, inspires and multiples. Can we do the same? After all, we are energy. The most precious kind of energy that the sun brings into our lives is the sharing of its essence.

Yes, I am sure that it is in our minds and hearts the desire to be JOY and good energy for ourselves and for others. We may ask ourselves, what can I do today to be the JOY that touches the lives of others? However.... to give JOY, to radiate outward we need to become JOY first, radiate inward. When we focus on love and are IN love... we can not help but radiate and illuminate it everywhere and for everyone.

How are you inviting JOY and LOVE in your world?

We are not on our way to holiness...
we are already holy in so many ways, the point is
"What are we doing with our holiness now?"

What would you include on your JOY list?

What do I want the universe to help me become today?
because, I do co-create myself.

Focus on a powerful and beautiful memory
and allow it to fill you up.

Are you in charge of how you feel?
Choose to feel JOY.

In our life as spiritual humans evolving, there is one important thing that we need to do – to fall in love.
This is the meaning of life, to nurture a relationship with you, then you can work on your own happiness.

This is when life and all our projects, experiences and ideas make sense. Love is life. Love what you do. All that you are doing right now; shaping your body, developing new ideas or materializing your dreams, conversations, meetings, investing time on expressive arts, put love in it and you IN love with it.
Move to an imaginary world of love.
When we are
IN love, you see the world differently and
everyone in it too.
The JOY LIST is about your process of becoming JOY. When we shift our focus, when we become JOY, the world around us changes too.

The JOY LIST is about finding ways that nurtures our essence, our whole-being, a being of light = love.

My Spiritual Breakfast:
Being IN love can be achieved by deliberately practicing gratefulness, appreciation and JOY. I have created and imaginary list of moments of JOY that I choose to experience during the day. I dream myself into being. At the end of the day, before I go to bed, I make time to remember, feel and examine what I have put in it and expand it, consciously. My night dreams are rehearsals of my JOY list.

Traffic Control:
During the day I set up a soft alarm clock every two hours and I invest this time to stop all that I am doing and reflect or meditate for a couple of minutes about my thoughts. I made myself aware of the thoughts that I am thinking and how they are influencing my life experience.

As part of my whole balance and health I choose to create a daily space to re-focus and to honor JOY (with me in it.) Accentuate the positive and uplifting aspects of our precious life. Truth be told, I am inspiring myself to stay focused, as much as possible, in the practice of JOY and LOVE in my life. I am deliberately re-training myself and learning how to choose:
- better feelings thoughts, better emotions, better relationships, better ways, better foods, more full-filling and mindful conversations, activities, etc. I am co-creating better habits in my life. I am deliberately multiplying moments of JOY.

Often I find myself sitting at my desk, looking out the window, watching the birds at the backyard and feeling blessed with nature and in nature. It’s those little things that have come to mean so much to me. Life is testier... And the sun, I love the sun as much as the moon. It has a way of casting a glow that connects with my whole being... at a cell level, that makes all the difference in a day.

There is no source of darkness and source of light, darkness is the absence of light. Choose to be light, choose to be JOY. Choose to be LOVE.

Love and light!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Global Day Of Love 2017

Dearest friends and colleagues;

I invite you to perform ACTIONS IN LOVE, to celebrate with us The Global Love Day, today and everyday. Love is a way of life. There is no life without love. :)

Twitter: @DearestSource

Monday, January 16, 2017

Weekly Meal Plans

Hello everyone :)

To invest some quality time to plan your weekly meals can have a big impact on your health — time management an on your budget — just by eating at home more often you can take care of quality, quantity and feel relaxed because you have a planned already. With menu planning you know what your meals will look like and what you need to buy. That makes grocery shopping more efficient.

Like any new habit, menu planning gets easier with practice.

Before you sit down to plan and choose your menus, these are some tips to help you keep important things in mind.

- Mid-Night to Mid-Day. The body is naturally is detoxifying, eliminating toxins.

- Look for sales. What's on sale this week.
- Think seasonal. What fresh produce is available this time of year? Is it salad season or soup weather?
- Mid-Day to Mid-Night. The body is naturally absorbing nutrients.
- Picture the plate. As you plan each meal, remember that it is important to give good nutrition to the body every 3 to 3.5 hours and small portions. Visualize your plate, and the quantities that you need to cook for yourself and for others.
- Recycle your menus. Don't throw away your menu plan at the end of the week. Instead, hold on to it and reuse it later.
- A very important aspect of your meal plans is to plan your daily hydration. Coconut water, or home-made fruit based puree with spring water, organic juices if you have your juicer or vitamix, or other drinks that you use to substitute for a meal or as a AM or PM snack.
- Look for easy-to-prepare vegan and healthier fresh menu choices.
- Control the quality of ingredients and nutritional value of your meals. You will have a plan so you will be eating  more fresh, organic, vegan, gluten-free, non-dairy and less animal to no animal protein a week.
- By planning ahead and have a list of menu choices ready when going to the grocery store or the farmer's market you have more time to read labels, ingredients and to look for good quality food items to prepare your meals. (Also, you have time to plan ahead if you or someone else at home is observing any dietary restrictions.)

- Have your AM morning green juice with your (wheat grass, spirulina, green powder of veggies, aloe vera juice and chlorophyll -- all alkalinizers.), along with your supplements. You can add 1 8oz of rice, almond or coconut milk to the mix and then have your morning breakfast.

Here is a sample of a weekly menu planner. You can click here to download a pdf copy of this document.

As all better habits of behaviors and of thoughts, it takes a bit of time to feel comfortable about it, but remember, that continuity is of value.

I practice Traditional Chinese Medicine - Chinese Nutrition. Let me know if you need help or have questions to improve your health, detox the body or to begin to observe a better nutrition.

Love and light!
Katherine :)