Divine Travel Tips

Saturday, November 29, 2014

What Weighs In Your Life?

To order a copy of this CD please send your order request to: dearestsource@gmail.com and pay via paypal.
We will send you the link to our paypal account as soon as we confirm your order.

Cultivating A Heart Of Gratitude

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Imagination To Self-Creation and Self-Realization

It is rewarding beyond imagination to find an occupation to let allow your creative self express itself. It is a way to connect, to get to know yourself, beyond right and wrong, and to build community integration... a family with a heart. :)

Click the photo to enlarge it

Monday, October 6, 2014

How To Practice Healing Meditation

How To Meditate

We have three usual or normal states into which we all enter every day, these are;
- The awake state
- The sleep state
- The dream state, and
- The self-healing meditative state

Here are the four steps to begin your daily meditation practice.

1. Comfort-Ease: Adopt a seating position that is comfortable for you. One caveat is that you don't want to be so comfortable that you fall asleep. The reason is that sleep and meditation are different states, you actually get a deeper 'mind-full' rest with meditation. The intention of the creation and modulation of energy is a very important step. I always begin my group meditation practices inviting everyone to silence the mind, eliminating distractions by focusing on silence and an inner smile to tune-in to relaxation, a state of ease and peace. Then I invite everyone to choose the intention of this practice, for example; i.e., my intention is to shift my focus to light and love, or my intention is to improve my vibrational energy to a happier state... etc.

- I invite everyone reading this article to sit down for a moment and write down a list of some a daily habit that you want to cultivate.
mindful intentions you could focus on to begin your daily 20 min of meditation.  Do this at another time, preferable when you are calm and have some quiet personal time. Having a daily quiet personal time as part of your daily life style is very important and

2. Quality of Time: Meditation time is a special time, not to be interrupted by the telephone, fax machine, pets, cell phones, noise or temperature. Decide to make your time to meditate a sacred one. If you choose to meditate with someone else, please make sure that they are willing and ready to join you having the same intentions and understanding how important this is for healing and better health. The same holds true for children, friends or social groups - prayer circles.

3. Breathing: In the basic form of meditation, your most help-full tool can be any thought, sound, short prayer, mindful intention or phrase (mantra) that you would like to focus on. I personally like to focus on my breathing, observing my breathing first, listening to my body first, without changing anything. Then I slowly and kindly guide the rhythm of my breath to a more calm, deep and conscious-to-flow one. 

- Words mean different things to different people. Choose words during meditation that have a positive, calming, uplifting meaning for you. In a research project at Harvard Medical School, for example, the Kundalini (*) yoga sounds of Sat Nam on the inhale and What Hey Guru on the exhale were shown to directly activate the memory area of the brain.

4. Conscious Better Habits: Once you begin to meditate, you'll be surprised to discover that your mind is restless even when you expect it to calm down, it will actually speed up. Why is this so? Well, well, well... our patterns of thoughts are taught to the brain consciously or unconsciously. When we begin to choose consciously what do we store in the brain and the assign meaning that we give to stored memories/mental images and stored emotions in the brain, we begin a process of self-discipline the mind deliberately. When we begin to meditate and to focus on a calming breathing, we begin to instruct the brain of new and better patterns of thoughts that are focused on ease, relaxation and positive emotions as a premise to let go of pressure, stress, expectations or negative emotions. It is as if a locked door opens up to let light and peace to come in.

- For those who being to meditate, phrases like these ones may come to mind when you "try" to calm or silence your mind. For example; i.e.,
  • "Why didn't I go to the bathroom before I started this." 
  • "I have to balance my checkbooks and call the bank."
  • "What am I going to eat for dinner tonight."
 When we meditate we are in the "energy" of the life style we live in and we can't expect to turn it off out of the sudden. Becoming aware of our life style choices helps us make better choices. What can I do to improve day-by-day a life without clutter, a simple life, a less stressful life? What sort of habits of behavior do I practice that create more clutter? What habits of behavior could I practice to eliminate clutter and to live a life of clarity, organization, serenity, relaxation and peace.

Continuity is of value. Give to yourself the time and attention that you need to begin practicing new and better habits of behavior and better habits of thought. Be kind to yourself. Love is attention.

When your brain moves from silence or calm into distractions or negative emotions, pause and shift your focus to more of what you want.  This is how we re-wire and re-train the brain into new habits of thought that work with us to achieve our new points of clarity for better health and life-styles. Smile to yourself, mind-fully and at ease. It is what you do with your thoughts that really matters and transcends in your life and the lives of others.

5. Focus Your Attention and Mind To Light: When you achieve a state of calm, ease and deep breathing bring your focus of attention to light. The brightest and loving ball of light you can possibly imagine, visualize it with your mind as if you were looking at it with your "inner vision" and breath that light in. Focus your attention to this light and let it fill you up; mind, body and like your soul, let it expand and grow from with-in you to all around you.

Timing: Practice your daily meditation for about 15 min daily. When you are one-with the light with-in you could pray, recite a mantra or send love to yourself and to others. Loving the self is important. This aspect of the meditation decreases brain activity and allow us to feel the blending with our cosmic conscious inner being.

Meditation develops many positive psychological health characteristics within us like; forgiveness, compassion, empathy, self-discipline, continuity and optimism.

More information and the study of meditation and better habits of behavior and better habits of thought are explained in these two CDs and self-study guide. :)

To obtain a copy of this CD and self-study handouts, please write to:

Katherine :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Self-Cultivation Of Appreciation and Love To Raise Your Vibration

Dearest Tourist and Travelers and Small Tourist and Travelers;

It is with great joy that I bring to you this idea for self cultivation of appreciation and love. The daily practice of the SUMMER TREE OF APPRECIATION AND LOVE can help us focus-to-raise our vibrational resonance.

Please click in the image to enlarge it if you need to.

I love you, I do! K:)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Circle Of Light

A crystalline structure is a unique arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystalline liquid or solid structure. A crystalline structure is the manifestation of blockage of thoughts perfumed by intentional energy. Crystalline structures exist in a  3D plane of existence or form, the formless or subtle plane of existence and what we could call the space between the form and the formless.

All forms and living beings are made of a crystalline structure, the Essence of Love or All There Is shaped by intentional energy. We Spiritual Human Beings are capable of cultivating and giving birth to crystalline structures and give birth to them into physical experience, simply, just by thinking thoughts. We do this all the time.... now you know. :)

We are light beings. Our electrons, molecules, atoms and electrical structure produce an inner sound, electromagnetic energy which could manifest our intentions; deliberately or by default. Therefore, we can choose our intent, what to focus on, what to vibrate... so to speak.

Our intention affects our vibrational resonance. We live IN the energy we choose to create. Our vibrational resonance affects the environment, our extended and immediate body. We perfume the environment with our thoughts, emotions, actions, words, mental images and day-dreams.

Energy works in cooperation. It is the nature of energy to attract more of the same kind. What are you giving power to? What are you giving thought to? What’s in your heart? That’s what you manifest in your life experience.

We can choose what we think and what we give power to. When we gather in a circle to collectively set our intentions in harmony this intention is amplified. We can focus energy to evolve it into being.

It is very hard to maintain our focus on more of what we want to create or live in, especially when the environment around us presents to us a contrast or the opposite of what we want to manifest, but that’s the work. To learn how to self-discipline the mind and heart and tune in to the pure crystalline structure of love that we are, leaving what seems to be “reality” away from our focus of attention, to then “give birth to a better reality”, to the world we want to live in. We can create worlds. :)

 I love you, I do K:)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fun Vegan Healthy Spring Drink

Lavender-Calming Lemonade
  • 1 cup of brown sugar ( you could substitute with agave, a natural sugar)
  • or 1/2 cup light agave syrup
  • zest of 3 lemons citrus
  • 1 cups fresh citrus lemon juice
  • 2 cups water
  • 8 drops of rose water
  • 1/2 cup loosely packed lavender and 1/4 cup of mint leaves
  • Serve chilled

Agave syrup is the sweet nectar of the Agave plant. It is full of minerals and has a low glycemic index, making it far healthier than white sugar. 

  • In a large pot bring sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, and water to a boil, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat.  Add the herbs (mint and lavender) and let the syrup infuse for at least 15 minutes.
  • Strain mix through a fine sieve, squeezing out as much liquid as possible from the herbs before discarding them. (*)
  • Add ice cubes to your preference and serve chilled.
(*) Remember to start your own compose pile with left overs of your organic garden or produce; fruit, vegetables and herbs. 

Lavender #7 Herb (Book J Is For Juice and JOY, by Ketherine)

Lavender Calming Properties:

Lavender is an aromatic, tonic herb with a sweet scent. It relaxes spasms, benefits the digestion, stimulates peripheral circulation and the uterus and lowers fever. It is anti-septic and has an anti-depressant effect.

Therapeutic uses

  • Internal use
    • Lavender is used internally for indigestion, irritability, anxiety, exhaustion, tension headaches, migraine and bronchial complaints.
  • External use
    • Used externally to treat most type of burns, including sunburn, rheumatism, muscular pains, neuralgia, cold sores, insect bites, head lice, halitosis, vaginal discharge and anal fissure.
    • It has an analgesic effect on the skin, which helps with pain relief, but it is the antiseptic and stimulant properties which make it very effective for use on wounds and burns.
    • It is mainly used for its antiseptic and anti-dandruff properties but also have antibacterial, spasmodically (relieving spasms) and local pain killing actions.
    • On the skin, lavender oil tones and revitalizes it and it is useful for all types of skin problems, such as abscesses, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, lice, insect bites, stings. It also acts as an insect repellent.
    • The therapeutic properties of lavender oil are antiseptic, analgesic, anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, nervine and sedative. 
    • At the end of a stressful day, add a few drops of lavender oil to a tub and hot water. To relieve eyestrain, dot a cotton handkerchief with a little lavender oil, chill the cloth, and place it over your eyes. Combine a few drops of lavender, sandalwood, and bergamot oils and add the mixture to grape seed oil; rub it on your skin as a natural insect repellent.
Welcome to our blog and best wishes on your personal care plan toward a better life. Please write to us at dearestsource@gmail.com if you have questions or need any assistance with your personal wellness plan.

Love and Light,

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spiritual Protection: The Tube Of Light

We are exposed to energies, some good and some negatives. Energy carries INTENTION, meaning at the atomic and subatomic level, electrons are charged with intentionality. Each being can craft energy and actually we do this at all times, deliberately or by default. The energy that we craft with our choices of thoughts is the energy that we live IN.

Additionally... Good energetic influences around, like; Angelic beings, our Spirit Guides, our own good thoughts and emotions or those sent to us by others, other’s feelings of love and blessings, environment or objects blessed with spiritual presence, colors, nature and energies generated within the highest spiritual expression. Love is the highest vibration of spiritual expression.

Negative energy influences are of lower spiritual vibrations or realms. Thoughts or emotions that are based on envy, jealousy, resentment, anger or self-rejection are of lower vibrations. Negative or traumatic events crafted or emanated from negative conversations, wishes or evoke after paying attention to events or situations that are toxic. Don’t spread it or live IN these negative lower spiritual planes. Change your focus... change your energy.

I have a help-full meditation, The Tube Of Light, to seal yourself in this Light so that no negative energy can “reach” out to you. The exercise can be considered only a symbol but the actual co-creation of energy for protection is to be IN it. To live by being giving birth to this higher vibration. Continuity is of value. One should not lose the message in the symbol. However, the intentional practice of the crafting and co-creation of energy is of great value.
  • Sit or stand comfortably. Calm your mind. Focus.
  • Relax your mind and body and breath in slowly and deeply counting to 8 as you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Visualize or imagine a cylinder or tube of While Light coming from “your highest spiritual expression” heavenly Universal Love. Imagine this tube of light uninterrupted flowing to you, as it moves throughout your body. Allow this light to fill you up.
  • Visualize the light extending itself about 5 feet around you, including below your feet. Visualize this light blessing you.
  • Contemplate this White Light and set the intention of BLENDING with its Essence. I AM LOVE, I AM LIGHT.
  • Now visualize a Violet Flame surrounded the White Light. The Violet flame is a protecting flame that balances karma (energies evolving into higher realms), consumes or trans-form lower vibrations or intentions into Divine Energy; love, peace, harmony, health.
  • Now visualize or imagine a Blue Flame of protection that superimposes on the Violet Flame. This Blue Flame is a thick protective barrier that seals your energy.
  • Create the energy, INTENTIONALLY and from your heart. This completes this cultivation of Divine Energy.
Practice The Tube Of Light as a cultivation every day. The message is of the Spirit not the symbol. This isn’t about a tube that comes from the sky to rescue you. :) Transcend the symbol and value the INTENTION of our ability to craft energy and blend with higher realms. Do this from your heart.

For Light Workers, before Spiritual work, it is important to protect our energies and declare, saying in our minds, hearts and aloud, your intentions at heart.

This meditation or spiritual practice is part of the Spiritual Breakfast of my own daily cultivation.

Spiritual Breakfast CD and Handouts. 
(sell or retail contact: dearestsource@gmail.com)

Love and light!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Balance: How to celebrate Spring Equinox 2014

Dearest Tourist and Travelers; this is an invitation for the celebrations of March 20, 2014... Everyone is invited!!!

The theme or intention of our celebrations is: Balance
  • Spring Equinox: it's called an "equinox", derived from Latin, meaning "equal night", 12 hrs each, in all parts of God Mother Earth. 

  • The First Day of Spring 2014 - The energy of New Beginnings for some of us.

  • ...and my happy birthday into physical, this time. :)
Project 1: Begin a series of meditations to reflect or to become aware of the living presence of BALANCE in our lives. This time on balancing "inner qualities” like better habits of thought and better habits of behavior, those that come from the heart, instead of those that come from the mind that are grounded on intellectual realizations. Even better, let's make a conscious effort to ground our mind in our heart. :)

As we choose to live intentionally, expanding our true essence, our divine energy, that out-picture our divine capacities and gives us grace to continue expanding our self-worth and self-creation; we tap into the topic of "the purity of our intentions or integrity of intention IN love." We explore to expand or evolve our spiritual humanity with transparency, elimination of inner clutter, benevolence, kindness and sense of appreciation as qualities of life.

Inner balance helps us cultivate a sense of freedom-IN-love. All spiritual humans have the capacity to CHOOSE and as freedom-seekers we have the capacity to want better inspired by our divine nature, love, that never ceases to call us forward.
  • - What aspects of our lives we want to better and how are we going to achieve that? 
  • - Are we living the integral way of life, following a path of self-cultivation and self-development  giving attention to all aspects of our whole well-being; the emotional, physical, intellectual, social-environmental, spiritual and vocational (the way we transcend by coming out of ourselves to reach out to others.)

Project 2: Set a conscious intention to daily invest some quality time making reparations. If there is something you could do to shift energy (evolve it for the better from where you left it.)  Give birth to new and better energy; hope where there is despair, joy where there is sadness, forgiveness where there is injury or divine light where there is darkness, resentment or anger. Just know that there is such as source of light and source of darkness, rather darkness is the absence of light.

Yes, we can change the past. We can change and evolve the way we think and feel about past events, circumstances or people that came into our life experience. It is so liberating and empowering to know that what we think of ourselves and others is all that matters and all that we can really have control over. It doesn't matter what others think of us for us to feel better or keep a better vibrational spiritual "place." We can make peace with ourselves and with everyone. My vibrational divine place in the Universe is up to me and the way I feel and see and think of myself. Nothing outside of me has power over me except the power I give to it.

Journal: We can ask ourselves;
  • - What were you teaching me when you came into my life about myself? 
  • - What did I learn about myself? Did I gain clarity and understanding about the divine spirit that I am? 
  • - What did I learned that can contribute to my self-worth, self-love and self-appreciation?  What aspects of myself could I improve?
  • - How am I a better spiritual being as a result of that experience or event in my life?
  • - What can you do let go or not to "carry rocks with assigned meanings" that drain your energy or keep you in resistance = pain? What can you do to travel light? 
  • - What can you do to re-birth into light and love... joy-fully?

Project 3: Smile more. Tune-IN to the essence of love and well-being...  Celebrate in your heart a conscious new beginning, “the re-birth of light.”

You know there is a music that comes from the waves our heart, it speaks unstoppably the integrity of our intentional energy. A pure vibration of who we truly are. Set your intentions to work on improving the music of the whole of who you are; a divine being. Make love obvious.