Divine Travel Tips

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My World, The One I Choose To Live IN

Hello Tourists and Travelers,

I want to tell you a little bit about My Divine World, the one I choose to live IN.

The nature of my world is to be IN love. In my world Self-Love is one of the most fundamental values. Self-love is encouraged and treasure. Why, because self-love is an invitation to look at and explore the most wondrous and incredible capacities shaping within. There are so many possibilities living under very unique perspectives within each one of us; co-created, evolving, incubating or cooking. As we live IN love we shape, cook and give birth to our version of love. All is love. Love is the Essence of everything. There is no life without love.

The world I live IN is full of comics. We laugh a lot.

In my world we appreciate what we already have, are and we learn from it, only then much more and better comes. Appreciates becomes it teaches us so much about who we were or are.

In my world we never worry. There is nothing to be afraid because we know we were born to do this and already know how.

In my world we live connected to the heart.

In my world we don't have or use boxes.

In my world jail is not a place but a state of mind. When we shift our thoughts and focus the cell gets open. Love is freedom.

In my world there are two most valuable treasures; the heart and the body. Spirit gave us a body so we never be HOME-LESS and gave us a heart so we never be HEART-LESS.
In my world everyday is Monday... new beginnings. We all-ways expect miracles on Mondays. We call them... The Magical Mondays.

In my world money is given free and everybody has as much as they want. We live not to make money but to invest money materializing our dreams.

In my world we never let go of something worth holding on to because it is ours when we are a match to it. I AM A HEART MATCH TO THE WORLD I LIVE IN.

In my world we don't fight. We know we can not fight without becoming that which we are fighting.

In my world we INVEST our time co-creating what we believe IN. We don't WASTE our time fighting or going against what we don't like.

In my world people sing songs to plants and wave at the Sun every morning.

In my world we don't go to schools outside of our hearts.

In my world we don't work, we only PLAY.

In my world there are not human, animals or nature rights, only Spirit rights and there were given before we took the human shape form. In my world we profoundly honor the blessings given by Spirit.

In my world Elders are experienced Children and Children are Elders doing it all over again. Everyone lives IN love. Aging is a gift and a natural process of evolving and it has nothing to do with deterioration or loss.

In my world all beings know that their health and happiness is all self-created and their choice. They know the nature of the environment, our "inner and extended body."

In my world we learn how to visualize and empower our many possible worlds.

There is a sign in my world that reads "IT IS FOOLISH NOT TO BE HAPPY."

In my world we know that the heart shapes the form. A happy and play-full heart cooks energy much better.

In my world people practice ADMIRATION for one another. We love to live in COOPERATION.

In my world people know ALL animals by name; the ones visible and invisible to the eye. We are a family.

In my world people know that there is only source of "light" and that "darkness" is the absence of light.

In my world there is not dead, only HAPPY GRADUATIONS. We can not end energy, only evolve it.

In my world we are proud of calling ourselves "I AM LOVE IN A PHYSICAL BODY."

In my world everyone ice skate or roller skate. We learn it since we are 4 and when we turn 12 we learn how to fly.

In my world we don't explain LOVE. We know LOVE is conditions-free.

In my world every street has a freezer or cooler with ice cream of all flavors. The machine only dispenses ice cream when the person says the magic code... "Life is Fun!"

I can tell you more about My Divine World, the one I choose to live IN. Perhaps you already know that you too live in your own world, the one you choose to live IN. You can always choose a better world. :)

ALL is well :)

Love and light!

I live in my own world.
Everything is love.
Love lives IN everything.
How everything gets into
my head beats me.
(Katherine 4 years old)

Would you like to
design a better world?

Use your heart, creative
intelligence and
as much time as you
feel like having
to co-create your
better world.

How would it be?

How would it feel?

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