Divine Travel Tips

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Introduction to Meditation - New CD

Hello Tourist and Travelers:

Some of you have asked me for a very basic CD that explains meditation and how to start meditating, etc. I have included a booklet with this new material for easy understanding, exercises and a form to track your daily meditations.

38 min CD - Content:
  • What is meditation?
  • How can I focus my mind?
  • What are the benefits of meditation?
  • What would I feel when I meditate?
  • How often can I meditate?
  • Do I need a special place to meditate?
  • How deep breathing effectively and predictably affects and calms the mind, release fear, grief or anger.
  • How to begin your meditation practice and a form to track your daily and weekly meditations.

Comments about the importance of breathing:

- The simple act of breathing deeply and slowly can change the type and quantity of peptides produced by the brain. (Peptides "proteins" are present in every living cell and possess a variety of biochemical activities, some act as chemical messengers.) When we are stress or anxious notice that your breathing patterns are short. When we are calm the breathing patterns are deeper.

Changes in the rate of breathing produce changes in the quantity and kind of peptides release from the brain. Bringing this process into consciousness and focusing on altering it you cause peptides to diffuse rapidly altering some functions like pain relief, moods, body temperature... just to name a few. The body is inseparable from the mind and we can influence and choose our thoughts and therefore influence the biochemistry of our body.

- One of the chants I use in meditation is, "Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo." The meaning, "I acknowledge in my heart my highest consciousness within me." Chanting this mantra has a specific psychological impact. The sound of this chant makes the pituitary gland vibrate, just above the roof of the mouth, which changes the master gland secretions balancing hormones to have more "good kind of energy" in the morning. Practicing this help us be more in state of serenity and balance.

Invest daily quality time to practice deep breathing and meditation. Consistency is of value and the benefits are amazing!

Well... there are so much more fun tips and meaningful better practices in this CD. Enjoy it! :)

Emotions and feelings are "food" for the body. How are you feeling now? Choose better thoughts, choose a better feeling. Be the JOY of your life!

Love and light!


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