Divine Travel Tips

Sunday, May 21, 2017

The JOY List

Dear friends:What a beautiful day today is and how grateful we are for all it brings, which we co-create. Without it we couldn't be who we are and be evolving so much.

A day to celebrate and to focus on our whole-being; all levels of my spiritual human experience.

It is amazing how the sun has a way to be everywhere, everyday and for everyone... even in the basement of the house, no place too out of reach for the sun.

I think that I do too have an opportunity to create something of value that touches, gently, my life and the lives of others in a meaningful way. I can choose to be light.

Each day the sun shows up with the same smiling kind of energy... just to be and by being it gives, shares, illuminates, inspires and multiples. Can we do the same? After all, we are energy. The most precious kind of energy that the sun brings into our lives is the sharing of its essence.

Yes, I am sure that it is in our minds and hearts the desire to be JOY and good energy for ourselves and for others. We may ask ourselves, what can I do today to be the JOY that touches the lives of others? However.... to give JOY, to radiate outward we need to become JOY first, radiate inward. When we focus on love and are IN love... we can not help but radiate and illuminate it everywhere and for everyone.

How are you inviting JOY and LOVE in your world?

We are not on our way to holiness...
we are already holy in so many ways, the point is
"What are we doing with our holiness now?"

What would you include on your JOY list?

What do I want the universe to help me become today?
because, I do co-create myself.

Focus on a powerful and beautiful memory
and allow it to fill you up.

Are you in charge of how you feel?
Choose to feel JOY.

In our life as spiritual humans evolving, there is one important thing that we need to do – to fall in love.
This is the meaning of life, to nurture a relationship with you, then you can work on your own happiness.

This is when life and all our projects, experiences and ideas make sense. Love is life. Love what you do. All that you are doing right now; shaping your body, developing new ideas or materializing your dreams, conversations, meetings, investing time on expressive arts, put love in it and you IN love with it.
Move to an imaginary world of love.
When we are
IN love, you see the world differently and
everyone in it too.
The JOY LIST is about your process of becoming JOY. When we shift our focus, when we become JOY, the world around us changes too.

The JOY LIST is about finding ways that nurtures our essence, our whole-being, a being of light = love.

My Spiritual Breakfast:
Being IN love can be achieved by deliberately practicing gratefulness, appreciation and JOY. I have created and imaginary list of moments of JOY that I choose to experience during the day. I dream myself into being. At the end of the day, before I go to bed, I make time to remember, feel and examine what I have put in it and expand it, consciously. My night dreams are rehearsals of my JOY list.

Traffic Control:
During the day I set up a soft alarm clock every two hours and I invest this time to stop all that I am doing and reflect or meditate for a couple of minutes about my thoughts. I made myself aware of the thoughts that I am thinking and how they are influencing my life experience.

As part of my whole balance and health I choose to create a daily space to re-focus and to honor JOY (with me in it.) Accentuate the positive and uplifting aspects of our precious life. Truth be told, I am inspiring myself to stay focused, as much as possible, in the practice of JOY and LOVE in my life. I am deliberately re-training myself and learning how to choose:
- better feelings thoughts, better emotions, better relationships, better ways, better foods, more full-filling and mindful conversations, activities, etc. I am co-creating better habits in my life. I am deliberately multiplying moments of JOY.

Often I find myself sitting at my desk, looking out the window, watching the birds at the backyard and feeling blessed with nature and in nature. It’s those little things that have come to mean so much to me. Life is testier... And the sun, I love the sun as much as the moon. It has a way of casting a glow that connects with my whole being... at a cell level, that makes all the difference in a day.

There is no source of darkness and source of light, darkness is the absence of light. Choose to be light, choose to be JOY. Choose to be LOVE.

Love and light!

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