Divine Travel Tips

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Healing and Uplifting Full Moon Ceremony and Summer Solstice Ritual For Self-Love

This week brings the June Solstice, when, depending on where you call home, the days begin to get shorter or longer. You may be looking forward to bright days or dreading the long nights!

There is also a Full Moon, an astrological 'blue' moon, even if the first was in May. Add in the Saturn/Neptune connection and we have a week when achievements that transcend the norm are a real possibility.
Welcome to the loving energies of celestial beings into our lives. We are grateful. :)

The Moon in Chinese Astrology represents the element of Water, the element of emotions, constitution, creativity, intuition and kindness and emotions are energy-in-motion. These energies could be, depending if they are negative resonance, blocking the flow of energy  in your mental body, physical body, spiritual body, creative body, love body, will power and self-creation body or in the environment around you which it is your extended body.

Before coming to the Full Moon Ritual and Prayer Circle this week you could prepare yourself:

- Write down everything that you are ready to release,
 to let go of, to heal (thoughts, emotions, things and habits.) Take your time to reflect on those things and make a list of those things that you can let go of now, today, and those that you can work on as the week goes by to let go of, to evolve and improve upon.

- Take a shower, not a bath, to release and cleanse your energetic magnetic field (aura) allowing the water element to rinse off energies that are not in harmony with the energies of your heart. Visualize the water taking those things away from you and your life. The power of visualization is also a way to create, to craft energy, to mold energy into being. Ground your visualization in love. Remember that a shower rinses off energy and a bath help you to create and to keep energy. :)

- Use a rose soap, the rose oils have the higher frequency to uplift and bring lower energies into balance. The rose soap for your shower, made with organic rose oil, is going to help raising your vibrational resonance.

- Create the intention of love in your life. Live IN love. Love always calls us forward. Love inspires. Invite love in to your life. Blend with love. Give love, share and cultivate love.

- Tonight, while facing the energy of the moon light, focus on your thoughts and heartfelt intentions. Be thankful for the lessons and points of clarity that past experiences have brought about, then release and let go of those energies, memories, people and experiences that don't serve you well any more. Let them go in peace.
- Note: Never fight for peace. To fight you must be in alignment with negative energies and destructive or violent thinking and this grounds your intentions in the opposite energy of what you wish to create, which it is PEACE. Peace is about peace and love, about joy, creativity and health. 

Make peace in your mind and heart with everything and everyone. Make sure that you take your time to visualize you smiling at those negative energies and feeling good and free as you let go. Then bless them with energy coming from your third eye, with mindful pink/pearl light.

You can also focus on white and pink light with your mind to surround yourself, your home, your office, work space, creative area at home, your spending cash account and your kitchen, food supplies and any other aspect or place in your life that requires a shift of energy toward better and more positive and loving ways.

You could also surround with pink/pearl white energy to those who we may not obviously know are struggling, carrying secret and quiet pain in their lives and need loving energy. May light and love be also with them. :)

Close your eyes and imagine yourself drawing out energy from the MOON and gathering this energy of new beginnings and renewal, of light and of love.  Feel good, feel and focus on feeling good with yourself and everything - everyone. A new cycle has begin and a new divine journey has began, IN love. :)   Face the SUN
and give thanks in your heart to the light in our lives, to a light that is inclusive and blesses everyone. Give thanks to the celestial beings that are present in our lives.
Sun and Moon holding hands... Yin and Yang energies in balance, in harmony and love. :)
Bring a white, pink or gold candle to your personal ceremony or with a gathering among friends or family members.

Bring sweats, vegan organic sweats that are not toxic or harmful for your body. May this be another opportunity to practice self love and self-healing.

Live and speak in a more universal, inclusive way to embrace everyone. God is inclusive. :) Love is inclusive :)
Be GRATEFUL for diversity and for everyone. 

Peace be with you,
Katherine :)

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