Divine Travel Tips

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Are My Choices Of Thoughts And Beliefs Helping Me?

The thoughts that we choose to think have a lot to do with our well-being, prosperity and health, at a cell level.
In other words, the thoughts that we choose to think are precursors to our health.

Our thoughts are an important component of our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being. We need to focus on creating new better habits of thought. Choose thoughts that give you power. Every thought in our body create an emotion. Emotions are indicators of the thoughts that we are thinking.
Choose happy thoughts. Know that our own capacity to talk to our body, to influence the energy that we live IN, is very important to craft our better health or to begin to set into motion a number of biochemical functions in the body that are going to create a dis-ease or the natural state of well-being in our bodies.

It is important to realize that negative emotions instruct the cells of our bodies by releasing neurotransmitters (brain chemicals), who travel throughout the body carrying a specific set of instructions. Positive or negative emotions influence the biochemistry of our body. Positive or negative emotion can affect our immune system, metabolic rate and instruct the body to retain fluids. Positive or negative emotion can influence water retention in the body and levels of pH (acidity or alkaline levels in the body.)

CHOOSE thoughts, words, mental pictures that give you joy. Choose thoughts of prosperity, of empowerment, of self-love, of well-being, of forgiveness, of letting go, of safety, of happiness, of cooperation... Make peace with yourself. Make peace with everything and everyone and choose to be a good energy from inside out.

The brain communicates with itself by sending out chemical information from one neuron, or nerve cell to another. The sending neuron and the receiving neuron are separated by a small space called a synapse. The end of the sending neuron's axon has small sacs called vesicles that store a special chemical messenger called a neurotransmitter. When this chemical is released, it can have one of two effects on the receiving neuron: it can excite it into action or it can inhibit (block or slow down) its action. A neuron receiving certain signals (set of instructions that can be programmed and in fact, we do program by neuro-associations the chemical impulses that fires off a message to other neurons causing the release its own chemical transmitter.)

We have, since the beginning of our lives, programmed the brain and the series of chemical reactions associated to thoughts that we think and their assigned meanings. Some of this neuro-associative-networks can be helpful to us or can work against us by evoking negative emotions; for example, fear that paralyses us or feelings of hopelessness that drain our energy or drive our interest and focus of attention away from our goal or intention.

The important think here is to know that we can do the same DELIBERATELY by creating new sets of positive thoughts and positive outcomes, visualize them and re-train the brain to expect good things. Or we can continue choosing negative thoughts, associated to negative outcomes and belief in a state of powerlessness. The process can be thought of as an endless chain reaction among billions of neurons and if we don't choose what we think we then let our brain chemicals to a state of creation by default.

Brain chemistry is the sum of all the chemical messaging that takes place in the brain, which allows it to carry out its daily functions, such as generating movement, speaking, thinking, listening, regulating the systems of the body, and countless others.

All cells in our body are working in cooperation with one another. No cell in the body starts a fight with another cell. :) No organ in the body stars a war against another organ in the body. :) Whew! The nature of all the cells in our body is cooperation and prosperity. We can learn a lot from this scenario, from the nature of the cells of our body. Then, what happens if we focus on negative thoughts and negative emotions, (by default or deliberately)? Then, we create that energy flow because of the thoughts that we choose to think and this can affect and influence our health at-a-cell-level.

We are the only one thinking in our head. :) Take your power back. Mantra: No one else but myself chooses the thoughts that I think.
I choose thoughts that give me power. I speak words that evoke positive emotion and empowerment. I love myself. :)

All the feelings and emotions that people experience are produced through chemical changes in the brain. The "rush" of happiness that a person feels at getting a good grade on a test, achieving a goal, or reuniting with a loved one occur through complex chemical processes. So are emotions, such as fear (housed in the kidneys), anger (housed in the liver), grief (housed in the lungs), worry (housed in the spleen), and so on.

Neurotransmitters are the "messengers" that carry instructions to the body but, we can tell the brain what to do. We can tell the brain what to think since we are the only ones choosing what thoughts to think, to what do we give power to and what to focus on. By principle we expand what we focus on.

But, what happens when stimulation of thoughts coming from the "environment" that we live in, the news, the people around us, etc, affecting our focus of attention? What happens when we begin to give more attention and power to the many happenings around us? We begin to influence our bio-chemical process in the brain "by default", meaning we begin to react to the environment around us or to what life dishes out to us.

The nerve cells and other nervous structures in the body outside of the Central Nerve System are known as the peripheral nervous system (peripheral means outside). These nerves receive information from body tissues and the outside world, "the environment, our extended body", and pass it along to the brain and spinal cord. These nerves also carry the signals from the Central Nerve System to make body parts function or to stimulate/influence our thoughts. Again, it is important that we keep in mind that we, each individual, are the ones that have the power to choose what is it that we want to give our attention to, more power to, more time to, and to turn our thoughts into believes. Beliefs are thoughts that we keep thinking.

Mind-Mapping Your Healing
CD & Handouts by Katherine

Ask to yourself:
Are my thoughts and beliefs giving me power? Are my thoughts and beliefs draining or nurturing my life? Are my thoughts and beliefs helping me build my health and well-being?

Every week you can set an intention to focus on a better habit.
Every week I publish in one of my twitter accounts a better habit to focus on and to master, and I recommend to all my students to invest INTENTION and ATTENTION on acquiring this new life-style habit of thought or of behavior.

BETTER HABIT OF THE WEEK (July 19 - July 25)
- Be as happy as you make your mind to be

Objective: Self-discipline your mind. Self-control your emotions. :)

Please do write to me with comments and questions. I do take care of my correspondence daily.

I love you, I do!

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