Divine Travel Tips

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Cosmic Sound and Value of a Conscious Mantra. 

Hello Tourist and Travelers, it is with great joy that I bring to you these reflections, as some of you have requested, accompanied by a Journal and a CD. 

Beyond a mechanical practice, a heartfelt process of self cultivation; Spirit-IN-Love. 

Sound and Light are vibrations, and vibrations are different frequencies of Energy. This also applies to Kundalini, the latent energy within ourselves. Kundalini is both Light and Sound, and mantra, (the divine inspired perfect word sound form), used to attain "Her."

The most profound expression of this Energy is the cosmic Om, which is the origin of all other sounds and symbolizes the essential spiritual reality, "Omnipotent." OM is a Cosmic Sound. The mantra Om is said to give birth to rays of Light bringing illumination to the mind.

There are two aspects to every sound; the audible and the subtle sound-essence that carries the INTENTION coming from Spirit. When the spoken word is sounded within and without, contact is made with this power.

The Conscious chanting and recitation of mantras activates and accelerates the creative spiritual force, promoting harmony in our whole being. The aim with this practice is to become a living center of pure spiritual vibration that is attuned to other centers of vibration much more "power-full."

Mantras are sacred sound syllables in which great wisdom is locked up, wisdom that will reveal itself only if we are consciously aware of the value of what we are doing. 
It is beneficial to recite a mantra a thousand times a day for forty days.

We will eventually reach that point of going through the barriers or blockages- the cultural, social, and other self-imposed survival barriers that have been put up around the mind, and we will find the place where Light is always reflected.

Mantra is the most profound speech, sound at its highest, because it takes us away from the ego "illusion" of self-importance to the sound of our pure inner being, ONE with the divine.

Remember this; a mantra has several intentions, sort of speak;

  • the power or meaning we give it, individually, which reflects back to us
  • the power of who have practiced it
  • the power of whomever perceived it initially, and
  • the power of those who has attained "higher consciousness" from it
The power of the mantra will become apparent only if practiced while keeping all other intrusions out. We must go to Spirit as Spirit, without mind or body. This is very important, sort of like undressing the soul of everything else that have been learned or self-imposed in our present earthly human experience. We must go to Spirit with an open Heart, free.

It isn't only the practice alone that brings benefit, but maintaining awareness and focus and staying with the words that we are chanting. If you chant OM, make space for OM alone, without other judgements, external influences or assigned meanings. Feel it in your heart. Consciously choose to "make the outside world disappear."

Journal: Cultivation of Spirit-IN-Love.

I am suggesting to start your own Journal, a simple notebook of your preference or you can test by buying the Journal I have designed for this purpose.

Continuity and will are very important aspects of any spiritual practice, both are of tremendous value. But, when we initiate a Spiritual practice from the heart, profound sincerity at heart, recognizing the value of CULTIVATION OF SPIRIT-IN-LOVE, the process of evolving and transformation, self-discovery and intimacy with who we really are, become a joy-full experience and a power-full source of inner strength. Then we cease to look "out" for bridges and ways to connect with self. Yes, sometimes we tent to create "dependencies" to find freedom. Love is freedom. Love lives IN freedom.

An spontaneous desire to go further IN-LOVE, will develop naturally without the force of willpower.

When the outside world "becomes nothingness", our unique and individual "inner world" opens up.

The vibration of mantras are "influenced" by our emotions. Are our emotions grounded in heartfelt sounds coming from our pure heart? That's the work too. The Journal:Cultivation of Spirit-IN-Love provides practical ways to cultivate heartfelt emotions. Example; we can say to others that we love them but how often do we expect or want feedback from the love we give. Love loves and it is unconditional. Love does not expect feedback. This is important because we use the word love to label emotions but pure love can only be given when we are IN it and that alone is a reward.

Awareness of the vibration of our speech, meaning, the INTENTION that we are giving birth to, with a sound, is more important that the repetition or practice of it. Again, we must go to Spirit with an open Heart, IN-Love. That's true Conscious Spirituality. Meditation, a daily cultivation of Spiritual Human Evolving, helps us to unburden or free of impurities our mind.

Cultivate Self-Love; with our daily conversations, with self and others, with our relationships which are a reflection of self, with our interactions with other living beings, the integrity of our intentions, how we keep our physical body (how flexible, appreciated, open, clean and pain-free is), with our choices of activities or meals and other important components of the co-creation of a healthy and harmonious Spiritual Home, our body. Why? Because the vibration of a mantra comes from our Spiritual Home, the body, where Spirit "lives", temporarily. How we feel about our-selves influences the vibration that comes from our voice, affecting "the mantra" that we are reciting.

The Journal:Cultivation of Spirit-IN-Love provides a profound guidance about the co-creation and maintenance of a Spiritual Home IN-Love.

A voice of the heart, when projected with transcendent feelings of self-appreciation, is the best place to experience the pulsation and vibration of Divine Light or Spirit-IN-Love. That's the first aspect of this work, self purification and self-love.

In mantra practice, Divine Light takes shape and form and vibrates in the Spiritual Human voice. The power of the mantra sets awareness in motion, the intent or energy that we have given birth to.

Think of the vibration that your words create "outside" your human body. Our environment is our extended body. The sound that has been released with the breath. When we chant a mantra, where will the vibrations go? What space and time will it take for the "energy-mantra" to emanate into the distance?

Sounds have images, like Hari OM, only one color bubble vibrating very strongly. Where this bubble go? .... I am aware that I am combining Meditation with the chanting of a mantra. Why? Because it gives a deeper intimate experience. Meditation is a conscious condition that makes us conducive to coming into a greater state of awareness.  The mantra eventually becomes creative in us, revealing itself through the intimate personal experience.

The exploration of sound and consciousness can lead to a whole different understanding of the "reality" or "world" that we live in, versus the ability to give birth to new a better possible worlds.  The Journal:Cultivation of Spirit-IN-Love that I have authored helps to develop this Spiritual practice.

Eventually we will experience that each Spiritual Human Being is the Essence, a mantra, a very unique and cosmic mantra, expanding and always in state of becoming, a divine cosmic being part of a "musical composition" or cosmic symphony of Spirit-IN-Love.

...yes, there is a song in our heart that speak our dream, I AM.

The Journal and CD are available at our store and home base.
Love and light!

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